As a child our entire neighborhood would congregate outside every summer evening to play tag. You couldn't get us inside until long after dark. I'm not sure this tag game holds as much appeal, but I'll give it a shot.
Joyce Dipastena tagged me to tell 25 random things about myself. I doubt anyone out there really wants to know that much about me, but I'll be a good sport and give it a try.
1. I hate my December birthday.
2. I think I have gypsy blood because we moved about seventeen times before I was in the fifth grade.
3. I learned to play the violin when I was in the third grade.
4. When I was in a ninth grade play I had to kiss a creepy guy.
5. It was fun being in the school orchestra because we were allowed to miss school and ride the bus to other schools to perform.
6. That was the only time I enjoyed performing. It seemed I was always called on to play at church, or school, or weddings.
7. I use to be a good hula dancer.
8. In high school my boy friend and I usually spent our date nights dancing on roller skates.
9. To me ice skating was difficult and something I didn't enjoy.
10. My one regret - I wish I had been a dance teacher. I love ballet, and tap dancing, and all types of ballroom dancing. Square dancing and line dancing are also fun.
11. I married a man who hates to dance.
12. I use to babysit for twenty-five cents an hour.
13. Because I attended the same junior high and senior high school that my mother did I had some of the same teachers she had.
14. In the third grade I was the most beautiful Christmas tree you have ever seen.
15. I love parties.
16. I collect fairies. My collection includes a fountain, books, movies, dolls, mirrors, pens, windchimes, and lots of figurines.
17. It's fun to explore light houses. I have several minature ones scattered around my house.
18. Pirates fascinate me.
19. If I were wealthy I'd attend the symphony, theater or ballet every Saturday evening.
20. I wish I had the money to travel this beautiful world.
21. The fartherest I've been away from home is Scotland.
22. I enjoy studying history - the people, their customs, and the way they lived.
23. I love reading.
24. I love writing.
25. I love chocolate.
Now I'm supposed to tag 25 other people. That seems like a lot, so I'll cut that down some and tag my new critique group - Amanda Page, Aneaka Richins, Daron Fraley, De Tolley, Holly Horton, Janice Sperry, Jeanne Mendenhall, Karen Mittan, and Wendy Elliott.